Saturday, June 22, 2024

35 Family Dinner Conversation Starters To Get Kids Talking

35 Family Dinner Conversation Starters To Get Kids Talking

Inside: Inside: Eating dinner together helps you feel more connected as a family. Here are some dinner time conversation starters to make your next family dinner memorable.

These are a lot better than “How was your day”!

The stars have aligned.

The whole family is around the table.

You’ve got plates of good food.

And nobody is fighting or throwing a tantrum.

Time for deep and meaningful conversation, right?

*Cue crickets chirping*

Does your family dinner conversation fall flat?

Or, perhaps as painful, does dinner talk consist of 15-minute monologues about Minecraft? (Been there!)

Might be time to switch it up.

How to make mealtime memorable

Conversation at the table is a big reason that eating together makes us feel more connected. 

But it’s easy to get into a routine of small talk–or focusing on the number of bites your kid is taking instead of really talking.

Breaking out an official “conversation starter” question may feel silly at first, but will probably lead to some truly memorable moments.

I reached out to my terrific Real Mom Nutrition Facebook Community for their these-actually-work fun conversation starters and added a handful from our own family table.

Keep Reading 35 Family Dinner Conversation Starters To Get Kids Talking at Real Mom Nutrition

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