Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Birthing on Your Back during Childbirth

Birthing on Your Back during Childbirth

Birthing on YOUR BACK during childbirth, here’s what you need to know mama. Why did the ‘birthing on your back’ trend start?

Yes it’s in all the movies, but it was evident before then

You can blame French King Louis XIV (1638-1715). He enjoyed watching women giving birth and became frustrated by the obscured view when birth happened on a birthing stool.

So, yes, you guessed it HE promoted birth on the back being the new way to birth.

Well, it’s not about ‘seeing better’; for the health care provider. It’s about birthing better for the woman. Would you agree?

Despite ALL the evidence supporting ‘sacrum-freeing’ positions like squatting, kneeling, side lying to speed labor and open the pelvic outlet – we are told we must birth on our back?

Read that again.

Also, you do not ‘need’ to be on your back for pushing just because you get an epidural.
Speak up Mama. Have these conversations in your antenatal appointments, don’t just assume things will be done to benefit you in the birthing suite.

Watch Video Birthing on Your Back

You have options girl.

Of course, if you WANT to birth on your back, all the power to you – but YOU should have choice and an understanding on how it impacts you, your body and your progression of labor.

For an idea on Birthing positions check out this FREE Active Birth Class

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Birth Preparation for All Mamas

It is all about self-education and empowerment. The more you know, the less you will worry about the unknown. Because you will replace the ‘unknown’ with the tools and tips to trust in yourself and discover that you are physically and mentally built for birth.

Mama You’ve Got This!

Starting right now, do not let the fear of the unknown keep you from your empowering birth experience.


Watch Video Birthing on Your Back

 #childbirth #birthpreparation #laboranddelivery

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