Sunday, June 30, 2024

Checklist for a Safe Pregnancy Training Program

Checklist for a Safe Pregnancy Workout

To ensure you are taking all safety precautions while exercising when pregnant here are a few tips to help get you started. Our PregActive exercise workouts are based on these safety principles.

Please always consult your doctor before starting any pregnancy exercise program.

Checklist for a Safe Pregnancy Exercise

1. Your pregnancy workouts should not last too long (30 minutes or less is sufficient).

2. Your workout should be low impact. Avoid ballistic high impact movements.

3. Your workout should not involve sudden, jerky or quick dangerous movements.

4. You should not be lifting heavy weights while pregnant!

5. Your pregnancy workouts should be progressive, but not at a high intensity.

6. You should avoid raising your body temperature too high.

7. Wear comfortable clothing and appropriate footwear.

8. Take regular rest periods when required.

9. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.

10. You should not be trying to lose weight while pregnancy unless instructed otherwise by your doctor. Doctors may advise this for obese patients.

11. If you experience any pain or discomfort stop immediately and consult your doctor.

If you are participating in a pregnancy exercise class at your local gym or health center, please ensure that your instructor is qualified to be teaching a prenatal class.

There are many exercises during pregnancy you must avoid especially in the third trimester so you will want to have confidence in the person teaching you.

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