Thursday, June 27, 2024

Comment on How to Make “Blessing Bags” For Those in Need by Sarah Parker

In reply to Naomi.

I live in a very small town. We don’t have people or major intersections. Most of our homeless stay in the park. My suggestions are:

*Don’t get out of your car alone with multiple bags.
*Keep car doors and windows locked
*Don’t go into remote places alone.
*Always deliver in daytime hours
*Alert park security when making deliveries
*Keep your cell phone handy and on
*Consider carrying a loud whistle
*Be alert and aware of the people around you. They may be homeless, but they may not be harmless.
*Don’t carry a large purse or wallet.
*Lock your purse in your trunk and keep keys in a pocket.
*Don’t wear expensive jewelry or clothing.
*Wear comfortable clothing with pockets for personal items and shoes you can run in.
*Don’t give out any personal information
*Consider putting the day, time and where (such as a public parking lot) the next Blessing Bags will be given out on the Hope Card inside the bag.

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