Friday, June 28, 2024

Does the pregnancy glow really exist?

The elusive “pregnancy glow” is enshrined in motherhood mythology. For some, it’s a radiance that seems to come naturally when carrying a little one, but for others that glow can be a bit harder to come by. 

I remember being surprised when a friend complimented me for “glowing” during my pregnancy. Inside I was beaming with excitement as I counted down to meet my baby, but on the outside I thought I looked more like a sleepless zombie hobbling around with cankles and a sore back. 

Clearly my friend could see something I couldn’t—and it turns out, she might have been on to something. There was something biologically magical at play, and science happens to agree.

According to the experts, some women do glow during pregnancy (even if they don’t feel like they are). And for those days when you’re feeling decidedly less than glowy, there are ways to quite literally fake it until you make it.

What is the pregnancy glow?

The pregnancy glow typically refers to that beautiful, lit-from-within radiance characterized by rosy cheeks, fuller lips and brighter skin. While many might seem to glow because they are delighted to be carrying a baby—and this can show on the face and body too—we can largely thank biology for this pregnancy perk.

Catherine Caponero, DO, an obstetrician at Cleveland Clinic, says while everyone has a different response to pregnancy, a glow can be one of its more pleasant side effects.

“Some patients truly do seem to ‘glow’—and a lot of these patients are the same patients that love being pregnant,” she says. “Not everyone enjoys pregnancy though, and it is completely normal to not feel ‘prettier’ while pregnant. There are a lot of skin changes that do occur during pregnancy, and almost all women will notice skin pigmentation changes on many areas of their body including their face.”  

Other areas that might contribute to a person’s glow include stronger nails and luscious hair, but again, this varies from person to person.

“Nails may grow faster in pregnancy, but while some pregnant patients report stronger nails other patients may experience softer or more brittle nails,” explains Dr. Caponero, adding that many patients will also report thicker or denser hair.  

“While the nail changes vary from person to person (and pregnancy to pregnancy), it has been well studied that in pregnancy hair growth remains in the growing phase for longer than in non-pregnant patients.”

Dr. Caponero suggests that the pregnancy glow is often highlighted by society because people love to celebrate pregnancy. That’s possibly why we see and hear so much about the glow in movies and on social media—because it’s touted as a pregnancy ideal, even if it’s part of a larger picture.

Sara Lyon, a licensed massage therapist, birth educator and doula and owner of Glow Birth & Body defines the pregnancy glow as the “perceived vitality of pregnancy.” However, she warns the so-called glow isn’t always guaranteed.

“While those specific characteristics are grounded in physiologic realities—increased blood volume and prolonged hair follicle retention—the term ‘pregnancy glow’ is really colloquial and isn’t experienced by all people,” she says.

What causes the pregnancy glow?

It’s estimated that a strong majority of more than 90% of women have significant and complex skin changes during pregnancy. With the various changes affecting the body throughout each trimester, it’s little wonder we pay closer attention to our changing looks and search for signs of that converted glow.

So what’s behind the glow and why does it affect some pregnancies and not others? 

Glowing during pregnancy comes down to hormones and an increase in blood flow, says Dr. Caponero. But she adds that these same factors can also contribute to some of the less desirable skin changes in pregnancy like an increase in oil which can sometimes lead to pregnancy acne.

“It is also normal to notice skin color changes, changes in blood vessel appearance, and stretch marks,” explains Dr. Caponero.

Lyon agrees.

“On average, blood volume increases 50% in pregnancy, plumping up all tissue in the body and flushing the cheeks,” she says. 

“However, improved skin is not ubiquitous and shouldn’t be expected. Due to an increase in estrogen and progesterone, we often see stretch marks, melasma (skin discoloration), and vascular changes like spider veins.”

This can also extend to other conditions, Dr. Caponero says. 

“Some women may also feel itchy and experience different rashes associated with pregnancy.  Also, if you have a pre-existing skin condition, pregnancy may make the condition worse.”  

All of these changes, both positive and negative, can come at any point in the pregnancy.

When does the pregnancy glow start?

As early as the first trimester, pregnant bodies could be laying the foundations for a pregnancy glow-up. That means that if you’re feeling a bit bogged down by early pregnancy symptoms like nausea, bloating and fatigue, know that there might be something a little more glamorous around the corner.

“Blood volume starts building in the first trimester and peaks in the third, so the pregnancy glow is usually present in the second and especially third trimesters of pregnancy,” says Lyon.

And despite the rumors, there’s no medical truth to a glow relating to early clues into the gender of the baby. For instance, you might have heard suggestions about baby girls “stealing” their mother’s beauty. However this isn’t the case, says Dr. Caponero.

“No, there are no physical changes to the pregnant patient that will indicate the gender of the baby. The best ways to determine the sex of the baby are through ultrasound or blood work,” she says.

How to DIY your own pregnancy glow at home

Now we know a pregnancy glow is possible, but what can you do if you’re showing, but not glowing?

Lyon says there are beauty tips you can try today to fake a pregnancy glow at home, starting with dry body brushing.

“Try dry body brushing before a shower, working up towards the heart, but note that deep pressure or vigorous brushing aren’t necessary to get the wellness benefits of this ancient practice,” she says. 

“The fibers of the mitt or brush will move fluid back towards the heart to reduce swelling while also invigorating and softening the skin. Do not brush over inflamed skin or stretch marks, and treat those areas with body butter or oil.”

Meanwhile Lyon advises bronzer and blush are easy ways to imitate that flushed glow we often link to pregnancy.

In seeking your pregnancy glow, it’s tempting to reach for all sorts of lotions and potions to enhance the hard work your body is already doing. Do keep in mind, however, that not all skincare products on the market today are safe for pregnancy. Products you might already keep on your dressing table or bathroom cupboard like retinoids are best avoided while others like acne-fighting favorites benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid should be used sparingly.

Diet and nutrition also play an important role. Remember it’s important to eat well during pregnancy for the health of you and your baby (and doing so may result in an added bonus of radiance!).

What happens after giving birth?

Whether you found your pregnancy glow or not, you can expect further changes to your skin postpartum. 

After birth, skin will typically return to its pre-pregnancy state—but it could take up to two years, says Dr. Caponero.

“These changes often occur as the hormones return to pre-pregnancy levels,” she says. 

“Some changes to a patient’s skin, such as stretch marks, may fade but may never disappear. While pregnancy is a relatively short time in a patient’s life, it does have a lasting impact.”  

Lyon notes that once a baby is born, the new parent can usually expect changes to their skin that could need some attention.

“A swift drop in blood volume and in pregnancy hormones can lead to dry, itchy skin and increased acne, all of which can be aided by applying lotions or oils that suit the condition,” she says. 

“The skin is a reflection of what’s happening inside the body, so focusing on postpartum nourishment will help significantly in staying healthy inside and out.”

A note from Motherly on the pregnancy glow 

A pregnancy glow is certainly possible, but if you feel you’ve missed out this time there are other ways to nourish your mind, body and skin. Not everything about pregnancy is comfortable—or even pleasant—but the greatest glow will always come from within.

Featured experts

Catherine Caponero, DO is a specialist in obstetrics and gynecology at Cleveland Clinic in Beechwood.

Sara Lyon is a birth educator, doula and perinatal massage therapist. She is the owner and director of massage therapy company, Glow Birth & Body and teaches birth education via The Birth Deck App and through her books, The Birth Deck and You’ve Got This.


Bozzo P, Chua-Gocheco A, Einarson A. Safety of skin care products during pregnancy. Can Fam Physician. 2011;57(6):665-667.
Vora RV, Gupta R, Mehta MJ, Chaudhari AH, Pilani AP, Patel N. Pregnancy and skin. J Family Med Prim Care. 2014;3(4):318-324. doi:10.4103/2249-4863.148099

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