Saturday, September 28, 2024

Energy Drinks And Kids: 10 Things Every Parent Should Know

Energy Drinks And Kids: 10 Things Every Parent Should Know

Inside: Energy drinks are popular with kids and teens. But what are the health effects of energy drinks? Are they safe for kids? Here are 10 energy drinks facts you should know.

Energy drinks aren’t made for teens–but teens are drinking them!

If you’ve got a tween or a teen, you’ve probably had somebody (maybe your own kid!) come traipsing through your house carrying a tall, brightly-colored can of Prime, Bang, or other energy drink.

More kids than ever are using energy drinks–thanks in part to endorsements by celebrities and YouTube influencers. As many as 50 percent of adolescents and young adults report drinking them. And the sale of energy drinks is growing fast–billions of dollars are spent on them annually.

But are energy drinks actually safe for kids and teens? Here are 10 energy drinks facts you need to know.

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10 Things to Know About Energy Drinks and Kids

1. Energy drinks aren’t the same thing as sports drinks

Though they’re often lumped into the same category, sports drinks and energy drinks are different beverages.

Keep Reading Energy Drinks And Kids: 10 Things Every Parent Should Know at Real Mom Nutrition

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