Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Get Organized With This FREE Freezer Inventory Printable

Get Organized With This FREE Freezer Inventory Printable

Inside: There’s no doubt the freezer is a way to fight food waste and make dinner a little bit easier. But if the contents of your freezer are a big, messy mystery, get this FREE freezer inventory sheet to save time and money!

Freezers are the unsung heroes of mealtime.

They come to the rescue on busy nights with a bag of ravioli or a tub of frozen soup.

They offer space to sock away an extra loaf of our favorite bread when it goes on sale at the grocery store.

And they allow us to save scraps of veggies for future broth or meat nearing its expiration date for another night–food that would’ve otherwise ended up in the trash.

But sometimes we’re not very nice to our freezers.

They can quickly become dumping grounds, where food is tossed and forgotten in a big, cold, unorganized heap–and found months later with a bad case of freezer burn.

If that sounds familiar, it’s time to get organized.

The first step is actually knowing what you have in your freezer. That’s where my free printable freezer inventory sheet comes in.

Keep Reading Get Organized With This FREE Freezer Inventory Printable at Real Mom Nutrition

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