Sunday, June 30, 2024

How a Freezer Meal Swap Group Can Save Your Dinnertime

How a Freezer Meal Swap Group Can Save Your Dinnertime

Inside: Everything you need to know about starting a freezer meal swap group. Reduce “what’s for dinner?” stress and have fun with your friends and neighbors.

Imagine a freezer full of meals, ready for stressful evenings….

It’s a weeknight. You’re tired and frazzled. Your people are hangry. 

And you have no idea what’s for dinner.

You’re ready to hit speed-dial and order take-out, but then you remember the casserole tucked in the corner of your freezer.

You slide it into the oven, flop onto the couch, and give thanks to three-weeks-ago-you for squirreling that sucker away.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have that kind of safety net every week?

Pressing freezer bags flat is a great way to save space.

Meet the freezer meal swap!

Several years ago, a neighbor invited me to join a freezer meal swap group. How it worked: We each made two dinner recipes for every person in the group. Every month, we got together to socialize and swap dinners. And everyone went home with a cooler full of homemade freezer meals.

It was a great way to meet more moms in my neighborhood and broaden our family dinner rotation.

Keep Reading How a Freezer Meal Swap Group Can Save Your Dinnertime at Real Mom Nutrition

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