Monday, June 24, 2024

Is Your Kid New To The College Cafeteria? Here’s Some Good Advice.

Is Your Kid New To The College Cafeteria? Here’s Some Good Advice.

Inside: Is your kid struggling with overwhelm, boredom, or burn-out in the college cafeteria? Here are real solutions from a campus dietitian, a mom, and been-there-done-that college students.

The salad bar is your friend! (Photo Courtesy of Ohio State Student Life)

The transition to college brings a lot of adjustments–like a surprise case of homesickness, a killer chem class, or a roommate who brought along their pet snake.

Getting the hang of the college cafeteria can be challenging too.

For a kid used to familiar meals, around-the-clock kitchen access, and magically re-filled snack stashes, the first taste of leaving home can be….well, a bit sour.

As a mom to a college kid–and someone who remembers her own dining hall misadventures (hello, fro-yo for dinner!)–I know this well. So I rounded up some of the biggest obstacles new college students have with eating in the college cafeteria, plus practical solutions from a former campus dietitian, a college mom (me!), and current college students.

Obstacle #1: Your kid doesn’t have time to eat

High school days are predictable, but college schedules can feel tricky at first. Your kid’s schedule may change daily, and their class times might conflict with cafeteria hours.

Keep Reading Is Your Kid New To The College Cafeteria? Here’s Some Good Advice. at Real Mom Nutrition

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