Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Roasted Carrots With Thyme (My Kids Love These!)

Roasted Carrots With Thyme (My Kids Love These!)

Inside: Get an easy 4-ingredient recipe for Roasted Carrots With Thyme. This simple side dish is a hit with my kids!

Roasted Carrots With Thyme go great with so many main dishes.

My kids already liked carrots: raw, roasted, sautéed.

But adding thyme transformed them into something brand new.

I got the thyme tip from my sister-in-law, who said something along the lines of, “Trust me, it makes a big difference.”

She was right! These carrots have now become a favorite side dish for our family, and my 14 year old regularly helps himself to seconds.

All you need are four ingredients.

Ingredients for Roasted Carrots With Thyme

  • Carrots: You could use baby carrots, but I prefer larger carrots for this side dish. Slice them at an angle for a pretty look.
  • Olive oil
  • Salt: I like kosher salt for this recipe, because it has bigger, coarser granules. But feel free to use regular table salt.
  • Thyme: I use dried, which I always have on hand. You can substitute fresh, you’ll just want to use more (3 teaspoons fresh versus 1 teaspoon dried).

Keep Reading Roasted Carrots With Thyme (My Kids Love These!) at Real Mom Nutrition

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