Friday, June 28, 2024

Toddler foods with fiber, the good, the bad and the ones to avoid!

Toddler foods, with fiber, are essential for all children. They help them poop regularly avoiding both constipation and diarrhoea and it’s even good for their long term health and immunity.

But children are children, they can be fussy with foods so in this blog I’ll give you my best suggestions for incorporating toddler foods with fiber into their diet or supplementing them if necessary.

A toddler sitting on the potty after eating fibre foods

Importance of toddler foods with fiber

Fiber for toddlers, is an important nutrient.

It promotes gut health by supporting healthy digestion and encouraging the growth of beneficial gut bacteria (probiotics). 

In the long run, a diet rich in fiber can help reduce the risk of heart disease by keeping cholesterol levels normal. 

Fibre also helps stabilise blood sugar levels, ensuring that toddlers have a steady stream of energy throughout the day. 

While toddler foods with fiber are often associated with preventing constipation, it also helps with toddler diarrhoea. 

Soluble fiber, found in foods like oats, beans, and certain fruits, can absorb excess water in the intestines, adding bulk to runny poo. 

Infographic showing how much fiber children need each day.

How much fibre should toddlers have

The recommended daily intake of fibre for toddlers aged between 2 to 5 years is 15 grams of fiber per day. As they grow, their fiber needs increase. 

Children between 6 to 11 years should aim for 20 grams, while those aged 12 to 16 years need about 25 grams daily. 

By the time they reach 17 and above, the recommended fiber intake aligns with adult needs, which is 30 grams per day.

However, it’s essential to note that as you increase fiber in your child’s diet, you should also increase their fluids. 

Fiber absorbs water, which makes poo softer, bulkier and easier to pass. Without adequate fluid, there’s a risk of impaction, where stools become very hard and difficult to pass. 

A toddler with a stomach ache after eating too much fiber

What happens if a child has too much high fiber food?

An excessive intake of toddler foods with fiber can lead to:

Reduced Appetite: 

It is thought that when consumed in large amounts, fibre can suppress appetite, which in children can be worrying if they are less inclined to eat other foods which contain nutrients they need. 

Inhibition of Nutrient Absorption: 

Some types of fiber, particularly those found in whole grains and certain vegetables, can bind with minerals and reduce their absorption

Gastrointestinal Side Effects: 

Consuming too many toddler foods with fiber can cause bloating, gas or too much wind cramping, and even diarrhoea. 

Different sources of toddler foods with fiber in glass jars

What are the different types of fibre?

Traditionally, dietary fibre was categorised into two main types: soluble and insoluble. Instead, fiber is now classified based on its fermentability and the effects it has in the body.

Fermentable Fibre: 

This type of fibre is broken down (or fermented) by bacteria in the large intestine, producing short-chain fatty acids. These fatty acids are beneficial for gut health. Examples include inulin and resistant starch.

Bulking Fibre: 

This fibre adds bulk to the poo and can help prevent constipation. Examples include cellulose and some hemicelluloses. Bran fibre is a good example.

Viscous Fibre:

This type of fibre can form a gel in the stomach when it comes into contact with water. It can help lower blood cholesterol and stabilise blood sugar levels. Examples include beta-glucans and pectins.

Resistant Starch:

Not traditionally categorised as fibre, but resistant starch functions in a similar way in the gut. It resists digestion in the small intestine and is fermented in the large intestine, producing beneficial short-chain fatty acids.

Bran is not a suitable fiber food for toddlers

Bran Fibre is Not Suitable for Toddlers:

Bran fibre, which is part of whole grains, is a type of bulking fiber. While it’s helpful for adults in promoting regular bowel movements, it’s not ideal for toddlers. Here’s why:

High Phytate Content: 

Bran contains phytates which bind to essential minerals like calcium, iron, and zinc, reducing their absorption. This can be a problem in young childhood when these minerals are needed for growth and development.

Digestive Sensitivity: 

Toddlers have delicate digestive systems. The roughage provided by bran can be too harsh, leading to digestive discomfort, gas, excessive wind and even diarrhoea.

Nutrient Displacement: 

Due to its bulk, bran can fill up a toddler’s small stomach quickly, potentially making them too full to eat well and therefore displacing other nutrient-dense foods.

Infographic with suggestions of toddler foods with fiber

Best High-Fiber Foods for Toddlers

Food Fibre content per 100g Toddler portion
Chia Seeds 34g 1 teaspoon (5g, approx. 1.7g of fiber)
Popcorn 14.5g A small bowl (10g, approx. 1.45g of fiber)
Almonds/Almond Butter 12.5g A tablespoon of almond butter (approx. 1.9g of fiber)
Wholemeal Flour/Breads 10.7g One slice of wholemeal bread (approx. 2.5g of fiber)
Spelt 10.7g A small serving (30g, approx. 3.2g of fiber)
Oats Porridge 10g A small bowl (30g of dry oats, approx. 3g of fiber)
Apricots 7.3g 2-3 pieces (approx. 2-3g of fiber)
Prunes 7.1g 2-3 pieces (approx. 2-3g of fiber)
Dates 7g 2-3 pieces (approx. 2-3g of fiber)
Lentils 7.9g A small bowl (50g, approx. 3.9g of fiber)
Chickpeas 7.6g A small bowl (50g, approx. 3.8g of fiber)
Black Beans 8.7g A small bowl (50g, approx. 4.3g of fiber)
Sunflower Seeds 8.6g A small serving (10g, approx. 0.86g of fiber)
Wholewheat Pasta 5g A small serving (40g, approx. 2g of fiber)
Artichokes 5.4g One medium artichoke heart (approx. 4g of fiber)
Peas 5.1g A small bowl (50g, approx. 2.5g of fiber)
Berries (Raspberries) 6.5g A small handful (50g, approx. 3.25g of fiber)
Avocado 6.7g Half a small avocado (approx. 5g of fiber)
Oatcakes 7g 1-2 oatcakes (20g, approx. 1.4g of fiber)
Quinoa 2.8g A small bowl (50g, approx. 1.4g of fiber)
Carrots 2.8g One medium carrot (approx. 2.1g of fiber)
Broccoli 2.6g 5-6 florets (approx. 1.3g of fiber)
Jacket Potatoes (with skin) 2.2g Half a small jacket potato (approx. 1.5g of fiber)
Apples (with skin) 2.4g One small apple (approx. 3.6g of fiber)
Brown Rice 3.5g A small serving (50g, approx. 1.75g of fiber)
Pears (with skin) 3.1g Half a medium pear (approx. 2.4g of fiber)
Crackers 2-5g 3-4 crackers (15g, approx. 0.3-0.75g of fiber)
Mango 1.6g One medium slice (approx. 0.8g of fiber)
Plums (with skin) 1.4g One medium plum (approx. 1g of fiber)

In addition certain child friendly breakfast cereals offer a great source of fibre:

For the UK:


  • A popular whole grain cereal in the UK, two Weetabix biscuits provide around 3.8g of fibre.


  • Made from whole grain oats, two Oatibix biscuits offer around 3.6g of fibre.

Shredded Wheat:

  • Made from whole grain wheat, two biscuits contain approximately 4.5g of fibre.

For the USA:

Kashi® Heart to Heart Toasted Oat Cereal:

  • Made with a blend of whole grains, seeds, and legumes, a 30g serving provides about 4g of fiber.

Barbara’s Bakery® Cinnamon Puffins:

  • Made from whole grain wheat and corn, a 30g serving provides about 5g of fiber.

Nature’s Path® Oaty Bites:

  • Made from whole oats, a 30g serving offers around 2g of fiber and keeps it’s crispy texture in milk.

General Mills® Wheaties:

  • Made from toasted whole wheat flakes, a 30g serving contains approximately 3g of fiber.
Wholemeal pasta as a toddler food with fiber

Tips for Introducing toddler foods with fiber

When shopping for toddler foods with fiber it’s always worth checking the nutritional information on packaging to see the fibre content. Foods considered high in fibre have 6g or more per 100g and foods that are considered a source of fibre contain 3g or more per 100g.

Here are some top tips:

  • Choose whole grains over their white refined counterparts. E.G. brown rice over its white or whole-grain pasta instead of white. 
  • Choose whole fruits rather than fruit juices or smoothies. Juices and smoothies have the fibre removed.
  • Offer fruits AND vegetables at every meal including breakfast (often forgotten on the veg front!)
    • Sprinkle chopped nuts or 100% nut butters on porridge or in yoghurt.
    • Add salad to sandwiches e.g lettuce, tomato, or avocado.
    • Stir canned beans into soups or casseroles.
    • Bake with half while, half wholemeal flour instead of the traditional plain white flours.
    • Choose high fibre snacks like microwave popcorn or whole-grain crackers
A toddler drinking water after eating fiber

Tips for increasing fluids for toddlers who are reluctant drinkers

  1. Incorporate Fluid-Rich Foods: 

Introduce foods that have high water content into their diet. This can include dishes with sauces, gravies, and soups. And also jellies, yoghurts, ice creams and lollies. Fruit and veggies contain fluids too!

  1. Add Flavour: 

Whilst the recommendation is for toddlers to have the majority of their drinks as water or milk, if you can’t get them to drink and are concerned about their health, it’s totally okay to add a splash of natural fruit juice or sugar free squash for flavour. 

  1. Make Drinking Fun: 

Use colourful cups or straws, and let them choose their drinking vessel. Sometimes, the novelty of a fun cup can encourage more frequent sips.

  1. Lead by Example: 

Young children often mimic the actions of those around them. If they see you drinking water regularly, they’ll be more inclined to do the same.

Foods lined up by food group

How to craft high fiber snacks for kids

When putting together snacks for children, keep portion sizes small but offer a variety aiming to include at least two food groups, if not three. 

As a reminder the food groups are:  

Fruit and Vegetables:

These are packed with fiber and essential vitamins but fresh or frozen options are best. Although dried fruits are a good source of fiber, they are also highly concentrated in natural sugar, so are best avoided at snacktime when it’s going to be a while before teeth brushing. 

Starchy Carbohydrates

These are the energy providers. Choose whole grain bread, crackers, oatcakes, and cereals rather than the white versions where much of the fibre has been removed.

Protein Foods

Protein foods that contain fibre include nut butters (ensure they’re 100% nuts), beans, and pulses think hummus and bean dips. Non fibre proteins are meat and fish.

Dairy Foods

These don’t contain fibre but milk, yoghurt, cheese and fromage frais are primary sources of calcium, vital for growing bones.

Healthy Fats and Oils

Again, most are not a fibre provider but these are essential for giving our children energy and supporting brain development and the absorption of some vitamins. Opt for healthy sources like oily fish, avocado (which does contain fibre) and olive-based spreads or olive oil.

Crackers and veggies as a toddler food with fiber

6 high fibre snacks for kids

  • Hummus & Dippers:
    • Fibre content: Hummus (2.8g per 100g), Carrots (2.8g per 100g), Wholegrain breadsticks (7g per 100g).
    • Creamy hummus paired with crunchy carrots and wholegrain breadsticks. What child doesn’t love the novelty of dipping!
  • Nut Butter Banana Wraps:
    • Fibre content: Wholemeal wrap (6.5g per 100g), Almond butter (12.5g per 100g), Banana (2.6g per 100g).
    • Spread almond butter on a wholemeal wrap, place a banana in the centre, roll it up, and slice into bite-sized pieces. 
  • Chia Pudding:
    • Fibre content: Chia seeds (34g per 100g).
    • Soak chia seeds in milk overnight. Top with fresh fruit puree for a fiber-rich, creamy snack.
  • Veggie and Cheese Quesadilla:
    • Fibre content: Wholewheat tortilla (around 6.8g per 100g), Cooked veggies (broccoli, spinach, etc., around 2.6g per 100g).
    • Fill half wholewheat tortilla with finely chopped veggies and a sprinkle of cheese. Fold in half to make a semi circle and heat in a frying pan until the cheese melts. 
  • Lentil and Veggie Soup:
    • Fibre content: Lentils (7.9g per 100g), Veggies (around 2.6g per 100g).
    • Description: A warm bowl of lentil soup packed with veggies like carrots, tomatoes, and spinach. Also good as a fluid!
  • Oat and Berry Muffins:
    • Fibre content: Oats (10.6g per 100g), Berries (around 6.5g per 100g).
    • Description: Homemade muffins made with whole grain oats and packed with berries. These muffins are a sweet food that offers the fiber benefits of oats and the antioxidant-rich berries.

For more ideas on healthy snacks for toddlers, check out this blog.

A family eating happily together

What to do if your child won’t eat any high fiber foods

It’s not uncommon for parents to face challenges when introducing toddler foods with fiber, especially if they are picky eaters. However, here are a few strategies, you can try:

1. Making Mealtimes Pleasant: 

Create a positive dining atmosphere to make new foods less intimidating. This encourages children to focus on their meal and enjoy the experience.

2. Positive Reinforcement: 

Celebrate your child’s interactions with new foods, even small ones. Simple praises or gestures can motivate them to continue their food exploration.

3. Repeated Exposure to New Foods: 

Consistently introduce unfamiliar foods to your child. Over time, familiarity can lead to acceptance and even preference.

4. Family Style Serving: 

Place meal components in the center of the table, thereby allowing children to serve themselves. This approach reduces pressure on them and fosters a sense of independence.

5. Learning Plate: 

Introduce a side plate dedicated to unfamiliar or less-preferred foods, as this allows children to explore these foods without the immediate pressure to eat them.

6. Involving Your Child in Food Choices: 

Engage your child in the meal planning and preparation process. This involvement not only piques their interest but also gives them a sense of ownership and control.

7. Follow an Appetite Schedule: 

Set regular intervals between meals and snacks. By doing so, this routine helps children better recognise their hunger cues and develop healthy eating habits.

8. Treat all Foods Equally: 

Avoid labelling certain foods, especially sweets, as ‘special’ or ‘treats’. Presenting all foods as equally valuable ensures a balanced perspective and reduces undue preference.

9. Make Food Fun: 

Enhance meals with visual and sensory appeal. Think of creative presentations, like fun shapes or colourful arrangements which can entice children to try new dishes.

10. Boost Activity Levels to Boost Appetite: 

Encourage physical activity before meals. Active play naturally increases hunger, making children more receptive to trying new foods.

If you’ve tried multiple strategies with your fussy eater and still face challenges, it might be time to seek expert advice. We’d be delighted to support you and you can find out more about what we offer on our consultations page.

Colourful smoothies with fiber for toddlers

How to incorporate toddler foods with fiber into meals

With a little creativity and some simple swaps, you can easily boost the fiber content of your child’s favourite dishes. Here’s how:

Smoothie boost:

Smoothies are a versatile and child-friendly option. Enhance the fibre content by adding nuts, seeds, or even a handful of spinach. Save them to mealtimes though so the natural sugars are less damaging to little teeth. 

Avocado as a butter substitute:

Did you know that avocado can be used as a creamy and nutritious alternative to butter in baked goods? Try using mashed avocado in recipes for cookies, muffins, or even brownies.

Lentil-Infused bolognese:

When making a classic bolognese sauce, switch half the beef for lentils. Lentils are a fantastic source of fibre and protein and they blend seamlessly into the sauce.

Add beans and pulses in cooked dishes:

Cooked dishes can be made healthier with the addition of beans and pulses you can add them to dishes such as casseroles, lasagna or shepherd’s pie.

Bean dips such as hummus:

Beans and pulses can be blended into delicious dips. Did you know hummus is made from blended chickpeas which are a type of pulse? Serve with whole grain crackers and veggie sticks for even more fibre.

Balanced baking:

When baking, use a mix of half white and half wholemeal flour. This simple swap can significantly increase the fibre content of baked goods like pancakes, waffles, muffins, and banana bread.

Yoghurt toppers:

Upgrade your toddlers yoghurt by adding fiber-rich toppings like chia seeds, ground flax seeds and some berries or chopped fruit. 

A bowl of cornflakes

Food low in fiber to swap out

Here’s a list of common low-fibre foods that children often eat and some suggestions for fiber-rich alternatives for toddlers:

White Bread, Pasta, Rice:

Swap For: Whole grain or wholemeal bread, whole wheat pasta, and brown or wild rice and by doing this you’ll also give them a broader range of nutrients. 

Biscuits, Cookies, Cakes, Scones:

Swap For: Baked goods not only made with wholemeal flour but look for those with additions like oats, fruit, ground nuts or seeds.

Certain Breakfast Cereals:

Swap For: Instead of refined cereals like Rice Krispies or Cornflakes, look for those made with the whole of the grain. You’re looking for whole wheat, oats, or bran as the first ingredient on the label. 

A selection of medicine bottles

Fiber supplement for kids

Food swaps are the ideal approach to increasing fibre, but when it comes to toddlers, that might not be so easy and so you might want to consider a fibre supplement. 

First of all please be assured that they won’t work in the same way as laxatives, no urgent rushing to find a loo, rather they subtly encourage a healthy digestive system and regular pooing.

If your child has constipation, they will be really helpful. If they have diarrhoea (and assuminging your GP has not found another cause) they can be helpful too as toddler diarrhoea is sometimes a sign of overflow constipation.

It’s worth noting that most of these supplements suggest they’re suitable for ages 4 and above.


  • BeLive Gummies: Sugar free Gummies where the fibre comes from chicory root and inulin. These provide 1.4 grams of fiber in a 2 gummy serving. 
  • Jolly Jelly: These contain sugar where the fibre comes from chicory root and inulin. These provide 1.5 grams of fiber in a 1 gummy serving.


  • Culturelle Kids Probiotic + Fiber: These are individual powder packets where the fibre is derived from wheat fruits and vegetables. Powder can be mixed into foods like smoothies, yoghurt or porridge. Each packet contains 3.5 grams of fiber.
  • Optifibre: This powder supplement is suitable from 3 years of age. It’s made from guar gum and can be stirred into liquid foods or made into a drink. 1 5g scoop gives a whopping 4.3g fibre!
A fiber bar resting on it's packet

Can toddlers eat fiber bars?

Yes, toddlers can eat fiber bars and other fibre containing snacks, choose ones that are appropriate for their age and do consider whether these are just fibre enriched cakes or sweets!  You might want to consider:

  • Sugar Content: Many fiber bars contain high levels of sugar so try to look for options with low sugar content to prevent unnecessary sugar intake.
  • Texture and Size: Choose those that have a soft texture to minimise the risk of choking. Also, cut the bars into small, manageable pieces for your toddler.
  • Nutritional Value: Ensure that the fiber bars are rich in essential nutrients. It’s a good idea to opt for bars that contain whole grains, nuts, and seeds, but make sure they are ground to a suitable texture for a toddler.
  • Artificial Additives: Avoid fiber bars that contain artificial colours, flavours, or preservatives because there are not suitable for toddlers.
  • Allergens: Be cautious of potential allergens, especially if your toddler has known food allergies. Common allergens in fiber bars can include nuts, soy, and dairy.
The word 'snack' constructed out of crackers

Fibre bars and snacks suitable for children

Freddies farm: A sugar free, 100% plant based fruit and veg snack that even provides one of their 5 a day! The fibre comes from the fruits and vegetables used. Up to 1.7g fibre per snack.

Gusto Snacks: Made from wonky fruit with a twist! These vegetarian snacks contain 2.8g fibre per 20g pack!

Fibre One bars: Essentially cakes in disguise but these provide a whopping 6.1g fibre per bar. The fibre comes from chicory root extract but these bars are highly processed and also contain sugar alcohols which can give you the runs! Probably not my first choice for children.

RX Bars: made from whole ingredients only, each bar contains 5g fibre and are gluten, and dairy free. Aimed at health conscious adults but there’s nothing in there that children can’t have.

A menu board ready for meal planning

An example meal plan

Here is an idea of what three high fibre meals might look like for your child: 

High fiber breakfast

Oat porridge with berries and chia seeds

  • Fibre content: Oats (4g per 50g), Berries (2g per 50g), Chia Seeds (5g per tablespoon)
  • Total: 11g of fiber
  • Description: Creamy oatmeal porridge topped with a mix of fresh berries and a sprinkle of chia seeds. Not only is this breakfast rich in fibre, but it also provides essential vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids from the chia seeds.

High fibre lunch

Wholemeal wrap with hummus and salad and a fruit muffin

  • Fiber content: Wholemeal Wrap (3g per wrap), Hummus (2g per tablespoon), Salad (2g per serving), Muffin (2g per serving)
  • Total: 9g of fiber
  • Description: A soft wholemeal wrap filled with creamy hummus and crunchy fresh veggies like peppers, cucumber and chopped cherry tomatoes. 

High fibre dinner

Chicken Lentil and Vegetable Stir Fry with Brown Rice

  • Fiber content: Lentils (7g per 50g serving), Vegetables (3g per serving), Brown Rice (2g per 50g serving)
  • Total: 12g of fiber
  • Description: A hearty dinner option, this stir fry combines the protein from chicken and lentils with the crunch of fresh vegetables. Served with brown rice, it’s a nutritionally balanced meal

By following this meal plan of toddler foods with fiber, they would consume a total of 32g of fiber (and they haven’t even had snacks!), which is more than double the recommended amount, but I wanted to give you an idea of how easy it is to do when you have the know-how.


The post Toddler foods with fiber, the good, the bad and the ones to avoid! appeared first on The Children's Nutritionist.

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