Saturday, September 28, 2024

Valerie's Positive Birth Story

Valerie’s Positive Birth Story

Consistent exercise has always been a life style choice for me. When I got pregnant, I knew I wanted to continue it through each trimester, but had no idea on how to modify what I was already doing to be safe for pregnancy and I was terrified to do something that would not be safe for my baby.

When I found PregActive, I was excited and relieved to have a resource that broke down exercises for each week of the journey. But what I loved more than anything was that Kerryn was relatable in each video. Toward the end of my pregnancy, I utilized her birth prep section.

Birth Preparation Workouts

The birth prep workouts were not easy, but she teaches you how to breathe properly and embrace the discomfort that comes along with each exercise, similarly how to cope with each contraction. I must say this was huge for me!

My desire was to have an unmedicated natural delivery, but from the start I told myself I was not setting expectations for myself that in turn would cause disappointment or regret.

This was my first pregnancy and with that was the unknown.

I chose to embrace the journey and have grace with myself along the way.

I think mindset is everything during the stages of pregnancy, and truthfully PregActive workouts helped with not only keeping my body moving but mentally keeping me in check as well.

Physically and mentally strong.

I felt strong during my pregnancy (most days), and I am pleased to say my birth experience was magical. Honestly surreal. I did in fact have a natural unmedicated labor, and I honestly feel I owe a lot of my experience to PregActive and Kerryn.

My water broke three weeks early, so it was very unexpected the day I went into labor. My dilation progressed quickly, so from start to finish it was a twelve-hour experience.

This meant the contractions came on quickly and got strong soon after arriving at the hospital. They began to piggy back of one another quite quickly with not much of a break between each.

As Kerryn recommended in her videos, I had different tools and resources with me to use, but at the end of the day my breathe work was the only one I used.

My Prenatal Yoga Workouts

Sitting / bouncing on my yoga ball and getting into pregnancy yoga positions was impossible for me. Laboring in a tub really helped me get through the transitional phase.
I did choose to go the midwife route but within the hospital setting, which for myself was one of the best decisions I made.

As Kerryn suggested, I took each contraction as it came and did not look too far ahead during labor. One contraction at a time. And I reminded myself frequently that pain is temporary, similarly to the burn I experience during those dreaded pulsating lunges (it is a love hate relationship!).

I worked on breathing into the pain, while using visualization techniques. And I was vocal. I hummed and groaned with each heightened contraction.

Something about being vocal truly helped.

There was a moment in my labor that my midwife instructed the nurses to flip me side to side.
I was uncertain at the time why, but it turns out my son’s heart rate was decelerating for a time being. I will never forget the moment my midwife insisted I get on my hands and knees to push, to which I would not have been able to do if I had an epidural.

Days later during a checkup, my midwife told me had I not been such a good pusher, I would have been sent into an emergency C section.

I 100% believe I was only capable of being a ‘good pusher’ because of the prep work I did through PregActive exercises; they physically and mentally prepared me for labor. I felt equipped and empowered. Thank you Kerryn & PregActive!

Core Rehab Program

Excited to get started with the Postpartum Core Rehab program. And I’ll be checking back in with prenatal exercises when baby number two comes along for sure!

Related: How to Push during Labor

Related: WHAT to EXPECT in LABOR

Related: Pregnancy Stretches for Lower Back Pain

Related: Labor and Delivery Birthing Positions

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